Sunday, October 11, 2015

Some Thoughts on Anger

Dear Readers,

Look. I'm alive. And well is to be determined. There are some things about me that are probably not Facebook friendly, but need to be said.

I think.

Readers, I am a crab. I am a crab. I am a jerk. I get angry and stay angry. Even if I look like I've recovered, I usually have not.

That might add poser to my list.


I just don't like confrontation, and I think that I just hold things back, one too many times and then its Armageddon.  Sorry, not sorry. A few know the truth about me. My kids, they definitely know, my wife...yup I said wife, she knows too.

I don't know if I updated you on my wedding, but you'd have to be living under a rock to not know that I am now a married woman.

My level of anger is just like everything else about me--inconsistent and therefore unreliable and hardly manageable.

When do I say something nice about myself? Maybe this isn't that blog. Don't get me wrong. I love me and everything about me, but I love the warriors who deal with me even more because they are the real MVPs.

This is a return blog and I don't know how long I will be here or even if I shall return after this one. Great things are happening in my life-it almost seems that things are great. If you are a long time follower (and if not, maybe you want to read back a bit) then you know right now I am in a Tony the Tiger great place. I've been through some things, but we all have. It doesn't make my shit more epic than yours, but honestly, its my shit, thus making it relevant to me, at least.

You are reading, you must care just a little bit.

I think I can come back because grad school is over. I'm still teaching and though I'm still rated as a developing teacher, I think I can manage to blog here and there. I don't feel like teaching owns my life, much.

Was not this blog about anger? There's that inconsistency again!! Rearing its iffy head. No homo.

Actually, I just think that I love blogging so much that its easy to soothe my anger. What bugged me so much less than an hour ago is gone.

This is beautiful.  I'm here. I think I'll stay. I think I will refrain from reading too far back. I know where I came from and how I got here. I don't think I need to rehashment. Down with the violin.

Yeah. Yasssssssss. I think I'm back.

We will see,


Lola Velez